Fostering a Rescue Dog 101

Dog foster parents play a crucial role in providing temporary care and shelter for dogs in need until they can find their forever homes. NMDR and our dogs rely on our foster volunteers to function. Fosters are one of our biggest volunteer need. More homes mean more space for surrendered dogs and relief for shelters that are full.

Here are some essential requirements for dog foster parents:

1. Loving and Caring Environment: Dog foster parents should be able to provide a safe, loving, and caring environment for the foster dog.

2. Time and Commitment: Fostering a dog requires time and commitment to attend to the dog’s needs such as feeding, grooming, exercise, training, and veterinary appointments. We also rely on our fosters and their connections to help us place the dogs in our rescue.

3. Patience and Understanding: Foster dogs may come with various needs including behavioral issues or medical conditions. It’s important for foster parents to have patience, understanding, and willingness to work with the dog through any challenges.

4. Communication Skills: Good communication skills are essential when working with rescue organizations or shelters to provide updates on the dog’s progress or any concerns that may arise during fostering.

5. Willingness to Learn: Foster parents should be open to learning about different breeds, behaviors, training techniques, and health care practices to better support their foster dog.

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